Tormek SJ-200 8-Inch Japanese Waterstone
You looking to find the "Tormek SJ-200 8-Inch Japanese Waterstone" Good news! You can purchase Tormek SJ-200 8-Inch Japanese Waterstone with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- Offers a 4000 grit grinding surface that produces a mirror finish without any visible marks
- Designed to create the finest surface finish, has a limited steel removal capacity.
- Excels at sharpening hand tools like carving tools, knives, scissors, plane irons and wood chisels.
- Its unique composition gives the stone an extremely long life.
- Removes minimum steel where a superior surface finish is demanded.
Tormek SJ-200 8-Inch Japanese Waterstone Review
I guess I wouldn't be complaining as much about the price if I hadn't waited so long to get it and then the price went up. But in fact I was waiting, because it was already expensive at the previous price, and I was hoping that the price would go down (as it sometimes does on other items sold by Amazon). It didn't, and I finally really needed the stone to do a lot of sharpening in a hurry, so I got it at the current price.In any case, I'm pretty fanatical about keeping my large set of nice kitchen knives in good condition. In the past, I would hand-grind on a very fine grit, very large oilstone, followed by final polishing on a beautiful hard arkansas (no longer available anywhere in the 12-inch length that I have). Then, always using a steel and never cutting on anything but a nylon or wood surface, our knives stay sharp for a year or more. But when I do have to sharpen one, it takes me up to 1/2 hour for each blade (on average), and that doesn't count the setup and cleanup time (so I tend to batch them up, which means that some of them really need it badly by the time I get around to it).
When I got the Tormek T-3 a year ago, I was pleased at how fast I could get a beautiful edge using the regular stone, followed by hand polishing on the hard arkansas (I tried the leather wheel, but it was actually harder to use than the arkansas stone and didn't work as well). But the Japanese stone looked like it might be able to get a polished finish faster than hand polishing.
So now that I've finally gotten it, I can say that it's an amazing stone. The mirror polish is so close to what the hard arkansas does that it's well worth the time saved. The combination of a very light grind on the regular stone (remove as little metal as possible!!!) followed by the Japanese stone gives a near-perfect, razor-sharp edge. What a pleasure to be able to have razor-sharp knives all the time. Preparing food is so much more fun with sharp knives! And I know that the Japanese stone will last for many years (if not abused).
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Tormek SJ-200 8-Inch Japanese Waterstone" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Tormek SJ-200 8-Inch Japanese Waterstone ...
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